The RPN x Sienna Manns Interview (Mechanicsburg, PA)


Sienna Manns representing Cumberland Valley at PennLive’s 2023 Mid-Penn Conference girls basketball media day on Nov 7, 2023 | Joe Hermitt | November 7, 2023

The Manns herself is back.

It took some convincing and time out of busy schedules to make this happen, but glad that she decided to return back to the brand.

Manns is coming off a strong soccer campaign in which she helped Cumberland Valley to a 12-4-1 record and District 3 playoff berth, while earning Mid-Penn All-Conference honors in the Commonwealth division as a junior.

Now it's time to ball, though.

Manns is expected to play a huge role for a new look CV team, but while she is getting her shot right in the gym and balancing travel soccer, she stopped by the Factory to catch us up on life right now.

I caught up with the 2025 prospect on student-athlete life, family and an outlook on the future.

Sienna Manns Interview Pt.2
Welcome back to the Factory Sienna. How has everything been lately?
  • "It’s been a pretty busy year so far.  At this stage, I have had to give a lot more thought to the questions such as, 'What next?' and 'How to best position myself?'. Whether it's sports, school, or just life in general. I have been considering my options and what would be in my best interest."

Since you came last year to the RPN Factory, there have been a lot of changes within the network. What are some similarities, but changes that you have noticed with the brand?
  • "Some similarities are that the RPN Factory has always done a great job with identifying new and upcoming talented athletes. Giving them a platform to express who they are as a person, for example, within their individuality. The Factory has also already brought, and continues to bring awareness and exposure to so many unnoticed, talented kids that deserve a chance to showcase their talents. However, now the Factory has expanded its platform into a multi-sport environment, where you will see new athletes talk about their experiences as dual-sport competitors."

You’ve had a pretty busy summer touring with CPE, while maintaining club responsibilities with Keystone FC. From your own words, how was the summer for you?
  • "It was a highly busy 'showcase' season this summer for me in both soccer and basketball. I’m really grateful for all the opportunities, and experiences that came from both CPE and Keystone FC. This year my basketball team traveled to Pittsburgh, D.C., Alabama, East Stroudsburg, Virginia and Chicago. Then, for soccer we headed to West Virginia, Virginia, Manheim, Philly, Jersey, and a host of other league play locations. Overall a busy, but active summer."
  • "Needless to say," Manns continued. "At times during the summer, I would have to miss one sport in favor of the other. I think the hardest part was choosing which one to go to, because I love both sports. So, I did not have many days off this summer.  However, I wouldn’t change any of it because I got to experience many new things, and meet new people that have helped me grow as a person on and off the court and field."

How has the academic year been so far?
  • "The academic year has been manageable so far.  At times, it can be stressful. As a student-athlete, I know that I have to manage my time well in order to be academically successful. Overall, I have been able to maintain a 4.0 GPA, make the honor roll every marking period, and am qualified to apply for the National Honor Society."

You had a stellar junior season on the pitch in contributing for CV. How was the first half of junior season from your perspective?
  • "For our team, I think that I can speak for everyone when I say that we had high aspirations and goals. We had 12 talented seniors, so the expectations were reasonable. I think that all of us felt as though we had the talent to have gone further into districts and make it to states, but we weren’t able to finish that last game out, which happens. Nevertheless, I am proud of our team because everyone played their part, and they were a contributing factor to our noteworthy record."
  • "For myself," She continued. "I think that I had a solid soccer season for my junior year. With all the injuries we had this year, I definitely felt like I had to step up and take more leadership, and initiative on and off the field, which is what I did and plan on continuing to do. I was fortunate enough to be awarded first team honors in our Mid-Penn conference, which tells me that all the hard work I am putting in is actually paying off. However, I know that I have so much more to work and improve on. Working hard and training during the off-season will be key."

Not having your sister, Samantha in your last year will come with a different look, but talk about the experience of playing next to each other the last three years?
  • "I think it definitely brought us closer together. Playing completely different positions with me, as a center back defender and Sam, as a striker on offense, we were able to challenge one another and have sisterly competitions. She wouldn’t hesitate to try to beat me, while I wouldn’t hesitate to try to stop her. When we were playing together, we each knew what the other was thinking, so it was easy to play with her and show our talent on the field."

How do you plan to spend your offseason? 
  • "My club soccer season is still going on, so even though it is the off-season for school soccer, I continue to play club soccer. I also focus time on lifting, strength training, and cardio fitness whenever I get the chance. Strength, stamina and endurance, especially when going into the school basketball season will be important to my success."

Junior season is vital in the college recruitment process. How’s your college recruitment been going?
  • "The recruitment process has definitely been a new experience. So far it’s been a bit lengthy with college visits and ID clinics, but overall I think it has been going well. Over the summer, my primary focus was on soccer because I know that the recruiting process for soccer is a little different than the recruiting process for basketball. In the end, I love playing both sports, so I would be happy playing at the next level in either sport."

What are your expectations heading into your last year?
  • "My expectations are to improve my soccer IQ/game play and be more of a leader on and off the field. Next year, I think that I will be a lot more confident in my decision-making abilities. I also think one of my main responsibilities will be to be a strong leader on the team. So I’ll have to set a good example on and off the field by putting in the work and challenging myself and others. I have high hopes and expectations for what will be a veteran team."

Having a supportive family has played a huge part in your journey. From parents, to being the youngest out of three siblings, to even family visiting from all around the country to come watch you play. How has family shaped you as an athlete, but even greater as a person?
  • "I wouldn’t be where I am today without my family. They have spent so much time on me. Whether it was as little as taking me to practice, or as big as taking me hours away to play 1 game. I can always trust to see them at one of my games supporting me and my team. They will always be my support system there to encourage, defend me, and cheer me on. If my family was not there for me, I would not be the player or person that I am today."

A season ago, you proved that you can take lead on the hardwood. Earning All-Conference and All-Defensive team honors, while helping the Eagles into the D3 playoffs. Taking a dive into the past, discuss what lessons you’ve learned as a sophomore.
  • "I am a very competitive person on the court. Early on in my high school years, I think that I proved that I was a valuable player on the team. I would always push myself because even though I earned my starting spot, I was not going to have it taken by somebody else. As a sophomore, I learned to take all the experiences I had, and just keep building on them. I think that I have really improved on my ball-handling, shooting, and quickness. Also, during the off-season I would lift weights to improve my strength. At this level, being strong with the ball is critical to success. Another lesson that I’ve learned as a sophomore is that there are many great shooters, ball handlers, and posts out there, but they can’t score if you have somebody that can stop them. I also focus a lot of attention on my defense. There is nothing better than your opponent not wanting you to guard her."

Stepping into a new role with a new look CV team this winter, what is the outlook for the 2024 campaign?
  • "Stepping into this new role, I’m going to own it. I think that this team is molding into just that, a 'team'. Many of us have not played consistently together, so we are learning each other's strengths and weaknesses. Most importantly, though, we are building trust and confidence in each other. As a captain, I know that I must help a lot in this process. I must lead by example, and I am ready to be that leader. It’s my goal to make sure that all of my teammates feel like they are positively contributing to our team's success and are a part of the team chemistry. For this season, we may have some new faces but we also have some really good ballers, who people are sleeping on. I think that we might surprise some people. I look forward to the 2024 campaign."
Thank you Sienna once again for taking the time to talk with me. Do you have any words of encouragement or motivation? Any last words? 
  • "In summary, work hard in life. There are going to be people who try to pull or push you down, for no legitimate reason. The best answer or response is to work your tail off, so that you are strong enough mentally and physically to withstand the pull or push. I believe that the best path to success is paved with hard work. That’s why I took very few days off over the summer. Lastly, be sure to help others pave their way. Don’t pull or push them down. Lift them up. Thank you for having me again!"

Twitter @SiennaManns