The Alexandra Black Interview (Mount Joy, PA)

Name: Alex Black

Hometown: Mount Joy, Pennsylvania

Height: 5-6

Position: Center back, Striker, Winger

High School: Mechanicsburg (PA)

Graduation Class: 2025

Travel Club: Super Nova FC

GPA: 3.6

Accomplishments: Mid-Penn All-Conference (2021, 2022, 2023), PennLive Girls Soccer All-Star team (2021, 2022, 2023), Pennsylvania Soccer Coaches Association All-State Team (2021)

Status: COMMITTED - Chicago State (7/13/24)

MECHANICSBURG, PA -- Alex Black is a 5-6 utility player from Mount Joy, Pennsylvania. She moved to the Mechanicsburg area and became part of the Wildcat faithful in 2020. Black is currently a junior at Mechanicsburg Area Senior High School, and runs with Super Nova FC on the travel circuit. In her junior season, Black scored 13 goals and added 9 assists to help guide Mechanicsburg to a 18-3 record, District 3 and PIAA 4A state playoff appearance. 

Ever since my summer "retirement", I know what a lot of the basketball community is thinking. "Since when did this turn to a soccer factory? This should be about us." Well, you should seriously enjoy the soccer content I've put out this offseason. I discovered Black during the fall period, but didn't know what I would be witnessing on Wednesday, September 27. She scored a whopping four goals against Palmyra and it opened my eyes four months later.

Not much else needs to be said.

Can Black survive an RPN interview though? Let's see where her head's at.

I caught up with the 2025 prospect on life growing up in South Central PA, career and preparation heading into the last chapter.

Alex Black Interview
When did you first start your sports journey?
"Back when I first learned to walk, I would go to all of my older sisters' soccer games. Then, I soon got my foot on the ball as quickly as possible. I was dribbling and kicking the ball when I first learned to walk, and it sparked a lot of people's eyes at the time. From then on, my parents knew I was going to love this sport. I played as much soccer as I could starting with a youth recreational league, and then proceeded to a travel team around age 10. I was asked to guest play by clubs in tournaments. When I started to play for Mechanicsburg, I was introduced to Super Nova FC by my teammate, Lena Rudy and that is who I am currently playing for."

Describe your game from the skill standpoint?
"As a player, I feel that my best skill is reading the field. I can make quick, smart decisions and read a play before it even happens, which helps when I am defending or attacking at the goal. I would say I use my quickness in all positions to help play better with my teammates. From a defending standpoint, when I am playing center back, I am very strong with through balls to my teammates and defending goal scoring opportunities. Switching to an offensive point of view, I create chances for my teammates and I to score and use my speed to attack at the goal."

How was life growing up in Lancaster County?
"Life was great growing up in Lancaster County. That is where my soccer career started up until eighth grade, when I moved to Mechanicsburg. I was enrolled in the Donegal School District, and played soccer for them as well growing up through youth soccer and middle school soccer. I made some amazing lifelong friends at Donegal, and made unforgettable memories that I will cherish forever."

Transitioning to Mechanicsburg area a couple of years back, you became a part of the Wildcat faithful not too long ago. Yes, you’re still within the South Central PA region, but discuss your experience at Mech.?
"Moving to Mechanicsburg was a pretty big change. The schooling was much different, and the land was different as well. I came from living surrounded by fields to moving somewhere surrounded by a city and highways. It definitely was a big change for me to pack up my life, my soccer team who I played with since I was 7, and all of my friends and coaches, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I made amazing friends, became enrolled in a few of the high school sports, and gained my confidence in the sport that I love. Becoming a Wildcat here has taught me so much about the program, the game, and myself that I will forever cherish."

"A big shoutout to," Black continued. "Josh Smith, Elijah Beya, Dani Klinger, and Vianna Kanyamiheto-Watson for becoming my first ever friends at Mechanicsburg. Convincing me to move to this school even more than I already was. Another shoutout goes to the coaching staff for the soccer team of Mike O’Brien, Steve Morisani, and Matt Mayernik. I would not have had the amazing experience that I've had without them constantly making me laugh, pushing me, teaching me new things while supporting me to be the best player I can be. Also, the biggest shoutout goes to my best friend, Veronica who moved to Mechanicsburg with me and has been with me ever since."

How was your junior season?
"My Junior season went great. Although, we didn’t win districts or states, in the semifinals of districts we took the reigning state champs and number one team in the country in CD (Central Dauphin) to overtime. Having that experience of getting to compete against a state championship team in the first round of states. This was a very memorable season, where I got to play it with some of my best friends and teammates alongside me. After a few wins in the beginning, we knew we had a strong team who worked hard together. We were successful with playing for each other, and battling until the final buzzer hit. I was put in a few different positions, which opened my eyes to a lot of different skills and techniques that were needed. But, nothing changed my desire to win and work with my teammates for a positive outcome. Overall, my junior year was a very good year, and I am very grateful I got to play with Mechanicsburg. To go as far as we did."

You’re still at a very early stage of your career. What kinds of things are you doing to make yourself the best player you can be?
"To be the best player that I can be, I understand that my body needs rest here and there. Most importantly making sure that I get my game day meal. Along with skill workouts and strength and conditioning, my club coach JT Dorsey has his own foundation that involves skill school for those looking to advance their techniques. He has also introduced us to a self reflection class that my club teammates and I have attended.  Outside of that, I work at my local park that has soccer fields and work on drills during the off season. For a game day, it is a running joke in my family that I cannot be talked to before or after my games so that I can make sure that I stay focused. Before games, I make sure to listen to a certain playlist to get me hype for games and after games I make sure to reflect on how the game went by watching film."

In your career so far, what would you say is your most memorable moment?
"Taking it back to my freshman year, we had a very talented team. Thursday, November 4, 2021 was the most memorable moment I have experienced. I was a freshman playing varsity that year and we were playing in the district championship game against ELCO at the Hersheypark Stadium. Pulling into the back of the stadium and walking up to the field felt unreal. I remember the moments of us walking off the bus inside of the stadium and heading to the team locker rooms to get ready for warm ups. As the stands started to fill with parents and we began warming up, two buses pulled in full of students for our student section. 90 full minutes went by, and my heart dropped. We went into our first overtime and I just kept repeating to myself, “give it your all '' because this was a golden goal moment. Then another overtime goes by and we are down to penalty kicks. Walking over to the group around my coach, I hear him start calling names of girls to take the kicks. After the first name, I hear 'Alex you’re second.' My heart dropped."

"I couldn’t believe I was taking a penalty kick in the district championship game." She continued. "When my turn was up I unfortunately over kicked it and it went just over the crossbar and I sank. This didn’t last long though, we got to the fourth kicker and after we made it, we knew it was over. I look over to see my coaches with their hands up and sprint to our goalie to hug her. We all made a pile on the ground hugging each other and it was an unforgettable moment of winning the district title. We were soon awarded with loud cheers, medals, cameras everywhere, and the plaque. It felt unreal to be cheering while holding the banner in front of so many fans and cameras. This is a moment that I wish I could relive and will never forget as it was my freshman year and I got to experience that moment with all of my teammates."

What do you believe are the greatest challenges most players are facing today?
"I'd start with social media, many players compare themselves to others. Seeing comments and posts made on social media can affect a player's confidence level. Within the recruitment process, many players find it stressful which can have an impact on their playing because it adds a lot of pressure, and it can cause someone to lose focus. Also, having a tough coach can cause players to overthink while they are playing and take things differently. Whereas I feel that you need a tough coach to keep you accountable for each game, and push you to perform at your maximum potential." 

Who is your favorite athlete and why?
"My favorite athlete is Zoe Hasenauer. She played for Oregon Women's Soccer, and has been a huge impact on my dreams for soccer. I have been watching her soccer videos on YouTube for seven years now, and it became my dream to one day go to Oregon because of her. If I was sitting in class, I was watching her soccer clips, if I was on the way to an away game, I was watching her clips, or if I was sitting around the house, I was watching her clips. Her technique has helped me work to be a better soccer player. and follow my dreams of playing soccer in college."

Editor: We hope Miss Hasenauer sees this some day!

Who would you consider your role models?
"My role model would be Halle Engle. Halle was my former teammate my freshman year as she was a senior. Halle was a very talented athlete, and an amazing role model. Playing with her on the field, I learned so many new techniques that she would use and how much she impacted each game. Halle was a very humble hard worker and she gave it her all every game, while making the game look more simple than it is. She filled her role as a captain that year, and was a big reason we had the season that we did. I am so thankful I got to play soccer with her, and look up to someone like her. Along with Halle, my mom is my other role model. She is the strongest woman I know, and has been supporting me since I first started this sport. I aspire to be as hard working as she is when I am older =, and follow into her footsteps as I grow up. I don’t know where I would be without having her constant love and support each day, especially her game day quotes from Alex Morgan that she sends me."

What’s the outlook on the club season?
"For this spring season coming up, I am looking forward to playing my last season with so many girls as it is their senior year. We have been working all fall and winter to prepare for the showcases that we are attending and the spring season that is shortly approaching. With putting in a lot of hard work, we are looking to have a good outcome in the showcases that we are attending. Team wise, I think we work very well together, and finish strong as a team. We do lots of team bonding and more than just the playing, we are one big family. Everyone is close with each other, and we do team bonding outside of practices and games. From an individual perspective, I will be bounding around from offense and defense, but I am going to be able to explore my potential in each position to showcase myself with my other teammates as we set each other up for success. As of right now, we are traveling to Florida for a showcase in February and the EDP showcase in April. I am looking forward to playing this final season with my teammates who I call my best friends, and can’t wait to make every moment count with them."

What are your expectations heading into the last chapter?
"Heading into my senior year, I am looking forward to meeting some of the new girls and starting a successful season. I think we will need to get focused up in preseason and get ready for a challenging season ahead of us. Where we will be facing different teams than we did in our previous season, but I think we'll work hard as a team and work for each other. With me being a senior, I will have to fill into the leader's shoes and take a role in making sure I guide players to a successful season. As a team, we are very strong with defending and attacking as a team. Nobody is selfish on the field, and we all fill in our parts which will lead us to a great season. Wherever I happen to play on the field, I will play for my other teammates and Mechanicsburg and do what I have to do for the outcome we want. I am super excited to play my senior year with all of the other girls and Mechanicsburg Soccer."

Thank you AB for taking the time to talk with me. Do you have any words of encouragement or motivation? Any last words?
"Thank you so much for interviewing me! Some words of encouragement and motivation that I have for others is to give it all you have. In the four years of high school, you only have a limited amount of time to showcase yourself and make long lasting memories. Give it your all, work hard, and keep pushing yourself to be the best you can be. One thing that will stick with me forever is that I feel people should see. Coaches can teach technique and different patterns, but they can’t teach the love and passion for the game. With that, believe in yourself, have fun while you are playing, and enjoy every moment while you can!"

Alex Black - 2025

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