Olivia Jones, Westtown Product discusses life in West Chester, the EYBL circuit and outlook heading into senior year; Part IV (West Chester, PA)


Olivia, here's how they gon' come at you

With silly internet talk, tryin' to distract you

In disguise, in the form of a favor

The Roses carry, watch for the traitors, yeah

You done seen it all, done it all

That's why none of these dum-dums could done her off

The summer's ours, the winter too

Top down in the winter, that's what winners do

And to these haters, it's like Windows 11

You let 'em tell it, they swear that they invented you...

Olivia Jones Interview
Welcome back to the Factory Olivia. How’s everything been going for you so far? 
  • "Everything has been going pretty well. After my commitment to Westtown last summer, my EYBL team went on to win Nike Nationals, which was such an amazing experience. In August, I went on vacation to Haiti and the Bahamas, and later that month I moved into school. Moving into a dorm and living away from home was definitely different for the first month, but after a while I got used to it. Basketball started the week after I moved into school, so I quickly adjusted to my everyday life. In basketball season, we went on to win the state championship, which was such a special experience with some of my best friends. After that, AAU started and is currently still going on. We went 5-0 at our first 17U EYBL stop, and our next session is in two weeks. Going into my last AAU season feels very surreal to me because I feel like just yesterday I was in second grade playing my first AAU tournament of my life. I’m super excited for this last go around with Philly Rise, and we are definitely going to make it memorable!"

Since you came early to the RPN Factory, there have been a lot of changes within the network. What are some similarities, but changes that you have noticed with the brand? 
  • "The RPN has definitely made a lot of changes from the start when I first joined. The thing that stayed consistent was always Tyreese and how real he is. I think that Tyreese has been a huge advocate for many players not just in our area, but on a national and international level as well. He has helped so many players promote themselves, while also remaining real with them about the world we live in, and the behind the scenes that goes on with recruiting." 

Making the decision to choose Westtown was life changing. New school, environment in West Chester and it’s opened the door for you in your basketball career. Being mindful you already know it was going to come with positives and negatives off of public reaction. How was your first year experience at Westtown School?
  • "My first year at Westtown has been an amazing year. I really have enjoyed the community, and the friends I have made here at Westtown. The academics at Westtown can sometimes be challenging, but I think it definitely has prepared me for college and life in general. The workload was for sure a step up coming from a public school, but I knew what I signed up for when I decided to come here. The support from the community, and the family-like aspect of Westtown is something that has truly helped make this such a good experience for me. I think that also by living with some of my best friends, going to school with them everyday, playing basketball with them after school, and just hanging out all of the time really creates such a close bond with one another. There are things I really value at Westtown."

How was your junior season?
  • "Junior season went pretty well this year. During pretty much every single open gym we had, a multitude of college coaches were sitting in the bleachers. It was an incredible opportunity that blew my mind. Great experience all together. We quickly moved into the season where we ended up finishing out 25-2 on the year with a fourth FSL and third consecutive PAISAA championships. On an individual level, I think I did pretty well making the adjustment and assimilating to the team. I hit my 1,000 point mark in late January, and got to do so in front of all of my friends and family back home, which was very special to me. Getting my third All-State nod was great as well. Overall, I think this year went pretty well. I am super excited for my senior season, and to finish my high school career out on a strong note."

Your marketing has been one of a kind for a recruit. Not just with the amount of support you get, but even having opportunities tapping into NIL. Can you discuss with me your role as a brand ambassador
  • "My role as a brand ambassador is to promote the company and their products day to day. My role is to also represent and advertise for the company through social media, in person conversations, and any way I possibly can. Currently, I have two NIL deals. The first is with Jawns on Fire out of Harrisburg (Pennsylvania), and also with Sneaker Juice out of Carlisle (Pennsylvania). In this day and age, athletes are able to get paid based on their name and likeliness, which is something that is super important. Based off who you are, your character, and your performance in your sport, you have the ability to make money. This is huge for athletes especially because high schoolers are able to make money now. Not just college athletes."

Although, you only have one year left of high school, you’re still at an early stage of your career. What kinds of things are you still doing to make yourself the best player you can be?
  • "This offseason has been a pretty busy one for me so far. I am currently on a training program with two of my other teammates, Jessie Moses and Atlee Vanesko. Have been since the day after we won the state championship. We go to our strength and conditioning coach, Jim Ferris twice a week. We have 6:15 AM workouts two to three times a week with our skills trainer, Sharife Bray. Also add on open gyms twice a week plus everyday we have 300 shots to make outside of practice, so yes, we are very busy. Putting in a lot of work throughout this offseason, but it has been super fun and definitely worth it."

How has your college recruitment been going?
  • "My college recruitment has been going pretty well. Over the past year in playing with Philly Rise, my college recruitment has definitely picked up a lot. I went from having three D1 offers to a total of 21 in a year. Especially after my first EYBL session, it has generated more interest from some new schools. So, it has definitely been super fun, but also a stressful process overall. I am very grateful for everything I have received through the recruiting process, and it has definitely been a rewarding process for sure." 

Discuss the grassroots season this offseason. 
  • "This offseason I am returning back to Rise on the EYBL circuit for my final season of AAU. I am super excited for this AAU season, and so far it has been super fun. To start, we are 9-0, going 5-0 at Session 1 at Boo Williams. In two weeks, we will be in Albany, New York for Gym Rats Session 1. The week after that we will be in Houston, Texas for EYBL Session 2. Following that, in July we will be headed to Louisville, Kentucky for Session 3 of EYBL. Lastly, we will be headed to Chicago, Illinois for Nike Nationals. I am super excited for this schedule because I think the competition is the best of the best, and that’s exactly who we want to compete against. Winning Nike Nationals last year at the 16U level was super special, and ultimately that’s the final goal for this year as well. Playing with Rise has been such a great opportunity, and experience for me. From the coaches, the girls, the parents, and everyone that has something to do with Philly Rise, they are all amazing people to be around which makes AAU so much more fun."

What do you believe are the greatest challenges most players are facing today? 
  • "High school female basketball players face a range of challenges, both on and off the court.  One of the top challenges is balancing academic, and athletic demands. I think high level athletes often struggle to balance the demands of performing well in the classroom and all that comes. With sports such as dedicating a significant amount of time and energy, training and competition, but also along with the travel that comes with competing nationally and on the circuit. As I shared earlier, you can see the time Atlee, Jessie and I are putting in just in the off-season. Outside of those workouts and trainings, we have plenty of school work and studying to manage with it each day."
  • "Another challenge is staying healthy." Jones continued. "The grind is quite demanding so you need to know when to rest, when to get ice-treatments or other recovery methods. Just being in tune with yourself and how you are feeling. Too often, athletes tend to just push through because that is what you feel is expected of you. As for other challenges, I am sure social media has been a challenge for some athletes too. You really need to stay focused on just you, your path and not get caught up or worried when it doesn’t look like someone else’s path. Challenges specific to my junior year, I would say, is balancing and managing the increased time spent talking with coaches and trying to get visits at each campus. To help me in making my final college choice. To fit it all in, you sometimes need to miss school or other events, which can be tough then to keep up with everything going on, and finding down time with friends and family."        

Our interests change throughout time, but it’s important for recruits to have an idea about college basketball. You’re almost at the finish line of the process, but what do you ideally look for in a school? 
  • "Ideally in a school, the first thing I look for is a school that is a good match academically. The next thing I look for would be a school where I have the ability to earn my spot, and play as soon as possible. Lastly, one of the main things I also look for is a school that has a family-like culture and where everyone on the team has a tight knit relationship."

Any question that deals with the word, “support” can come in very different answers. From general statements, personal thoughts or outside factors impacting a person, everybody wants to feel supported no matter what’s going on in their life. Within your three years, you’ve experienced plenty of highs, but moments where you’ve questioned the word in your career. What does support mean to you and how’s it impacted you as you’re navigating this life?
  • "What does support mean to me? In general, support means everything surrounding me. Without the support of my family and friends, this journey would be much more difficult. While some view support in terms of access to the gym, weight training, shooting coaches, workout/nutrition plans, or whichever. When I think about support, I value those around me that have similar goals, work ethic, aspirations or those that can appreciate the focus and attention that I have placed on improving my skills and overall game. Continuing to strive and perform academically at the top of my class. 
  • "Support looks like understanding and accepting the sacrifices that sometimes come with the process. I feel that I handle pressure pretty well, so I have not reached a point of needing the mental support or coaching that might come with being a Division I athlete, where much is expected and required of you. I see this being provided in so many colleges nowadays, and can see its importance as athletes keep progressing in their sport.  So for now, for me, support comes more in terms of the social group or network around me. Building a strong sense of camaraderie and positive relationships with all my teammates, coaches, and even some of our top opponents has been most rewarding for me." 

What is the outlook heading into the last chapter?
  • "The outlook heading into my last chapter is to just go out on a strong note. I am not too focused on my individual stat lines, rather, I feel confident enough to just do whatever the team needs in order to get the wins. In each game this can look different, but I think that sets me apart. I can be a guard when needed. I can be a forward when needed. I can defend bigs, and I can also defend along the perimeter. I just look to remain flexible, and focus on what the team needs as that has worked well for me. We have set our goals high again for the AAU season, and I am committed to helping my Rise team achieve them."
  • "For a college commitment timeline, I would like to settle in on a decision by late summer rather than waiting through the senior season. I feel pretty good about the process and want to then be able to focus on helping my Westtown team much like the Rise program.    

Thank you Olivia for once again taking the time to talk with me. We’ll wrap all this up by next year, but do you have any words of encouragement or motivation? Any last words?
  • "Of course. If I had to give any words of encouragement I would say to always trust in God. No matter what happens, believe in yourself, but make the most of everything that you do. Simply, just be a good person. Thank you for having me again!"

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